Company Policies

Consequences of Violations:

  • Violations of this policy may result in immediate disciplinary action, including verbal or written warnings, suspension, or termination of employment without pay, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.
  • Continuous disregard for this policy will lead to further disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment.
  • Legal action may be taken against the employee for severe violations.
  • Under the zero-tolerance policy, salary will be forfeited for the period worked. No incentives or salary will be paid.
  • Involvement of third parties, such as family members or political entities, in workplace matters can lead to severe consequences.

Workplace Social Media and Entertainment Usage Policy

  1. Purpose: This policy establishes guidelines for the appropriate use of social media and entertainment platforms during working hours to ensure productivity and focus on job responsibilities.
  2. Social Media Usage:
    • Employees are prohibited from using social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., for personal purposes during working hours.
    • Social media usage for work-related activities, such as promoting the company’s products or services, engaging with customers, or conducting market research, must be approved by supervisors or management.
  3. Entertainment Consumption:
    • Employees should refrain from accessing entertainment websites, streaming services, or engaging in non-work-related activities, such as playing games or watching videos, during working hours.
    • Personal phone calls, text messaging, or other forms of communication unrelated to work should be limited to designated break times or outside of working hours.
  4. Exceptions:
    • Limited personal use of electronic devices, including smartphones, may be permitted during breaks or lunchtime, provided it does not interfere with job responsibilities or productivity.
    • Employees with specific roles that require social media usage for work purposes may be exempt from certain restrictions, as outlined by their job responsibilities and approved by management.

Involvement in Other Business for Personal Benefit Policy

  1. Purpose: This policy prohibits employees from engaging in other jobs or businesses that could harm the company or generate personal profit at the company’s expense.
  2. Examples:
    • Employees cannot work for a company that sells the same products or services as our company.
    • Employees cannot use company resources or time to work on their own business ventures.
    • Employees must disclose any external employment that might create conflicts of interest or impact their job performance.
  3. Discipline: Failure to adhere to these rules will result in immediate disciplinary action, including verbal or written warnings, suspension, or termination of employment without pay, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. Continuous non-compliance with this policy will lead to termination of employment under our zero-tolerance policy. Legal action may be taken against the employee for severe violations. Under this policy, salary will be forfeited for the period worked, and no incentives or salary will be paid. Involving third parties, such as family members or political entities, in workplace matters can lead to severe consequences.

Absenteeism Without Intimation or Approval

Absenteeism without prior intimation or approval from the manager will be treated as indiscipline. Such behavior will be considered as the employee being absconding.


  • Immediate disciplinary action, including verbal or written warnings.
  • Suspension or termination of employment without pay.
  • Salary forfeiture for the period worked. No incentives and salary will be paid.
  • Potential legal action against the employee.
  • Involving third parties, such as family members or political entities, in workplace matters can lead to severe consequences.
  • Continuous absenteeism without intimation or approval will lead to termination of employment under the zero-tolerance policy.

In case of a long holiday of more than 2-3 days during the probation period due to medical reasons, the employee must inform HR and the reporting manager in writing via email. Medical proof or a medical fitness certificate from a medical officer must be submitted. Failure to do so will result in being treated as absconding, with salary forfeited for the period worked. The company incurs significant costs in training employees, and these medical conditions can hamper business operations. The company may allow the employee to continue on special approval, subject to projected future business needs, with potential salary delays due to these unforeseen conditions.

Sales Executive (Telesales) Performance and Conduct

  • Sales executives not meeting business targets at any time can be asked to maintain a non-pause working duration of 7-8 hours as per business needs.
  • Not meeting targets and not obeying team leaders will be treated as indiscipline and will be terminated after three warnings under the zero-tolerance policy.
  • Employees should not malign the company image or abuse customers at any point. Any such behavior found in system recordings or elsewhere will lead to termination after warnings under the zero-tolerance policy.
  • Not following the dialer policy will also lead to termination after warnings under the zero-tolerance policy.

This document outlines the company’s policies and the consequences of violating them. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining a professional and productive work environment.

  1. Mobile Number Policy:

    • Do not ask customers for their mobile numbers during the call. Mobile numbers remain masked on the dialer until a masked sale is made.
    • Leads will be visible on your CRM for follow-up if you are part of the sales team.
  2. Data Entry:

    • Enter values correctly. For example, if a customer requires a loan of 1 crore, enter the amount as 10,000,000 in the volume section. Ensure the correct product is also selected.
  3. Handling Interested Customers:

    • If a customer genuinely expresses interest in a loan and discusses their case with you, do not dismiss the case by saying it is not doable.
    • Gather essential details such as the loan amount, product locality, and basic income information. Do not mark the lead as a callback if the customer provides this information.
    • Discuss the case with your manager or seniors. For instance, if a customer mentions needing a loan of 2 crores with an EMI of 1.5 lakhs, a property worth 3 crores, and an ITR of 10 lakhs, do not conclude that a 10 lakh yearly income (implying a 75k monthly income) makes the customer ineligible for the EMI. Ask if they have additional property or co-applicants to add. Include this information in the case study. There may be potential for future rental income, co-applicant income, or bonuses to extend eligibility. If the customer is willing to finalize the property and needs a loan, push the lead to CRM instead of marking it as a callback or ineligible.
  4. Customer Finalization:

    • Always ask the customer where they have finalized and if a token has been given.
  5. Current EMIs and Loan Types:

    • Inquire about the customer’s current EMIs and types of loans they have.
  6. Professional Conduct:

    • Do not abuse customers over the call or make prank calls using the system. Any employee making prank calls or abusing customers using the system will be liable for any legal matters if imposed by the customer.


  • Asking customers for their phone numbers during calls or marking genuine leads as “not interested” can result in serious disciplinary action.
  • Violations of this policy can lead to termination of employment and forfeiture of salary for the period worked. This is a zero-tolerance policy.

Zero-Tolerance POSH Policy

Objective: To maintain a respectful and professional work environment, our company enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy against any form of sexual harassment and inappropriate relationships.

Policy Overview:

  1. Prohibition of Inappropriate Relationships:
    • Employees must not engage in personal or romantic relationships with colleagues. Such relationships can lead to conflicts of interest, favoritism, and a hostile work environment.
    • Any form of closeness or behavior that crosses professional boundaries, including flirting or personal advances, is strictly prohibited.
  2. Reporting and Accountability:
    • All employees have the right to work in an environment free from harassment and inappropriate behavior. Reports of misconduct or uncomfortable interactions must be made immediately through our confidential reporting channels.
    • Any employee found violating this policy will face immediate disciplinary action. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal or written warnings, suspension, or termination of employment.
  3. Zero-Tolerance Enforcement:
    • Immediate Action: All reported incidents will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.
    • Strict Consequences: Violations of this policy will result in strict disciplinary measures. Repeated or severe violations may lead to termination of employment.
    • No salary to be paid under this policy
    • No Retaliation: Employees who report violations will be protected from retaliation. Any act of retaliation against a complainant will also be subject to disciplinary action.


  • All employees are required to review and understand this policy as part of their onboarding process and regular training sessions.
  • Managers and HR personnel will receive specialized training to handle complaints and enforce the policy effectively.

Commitment: Our company is committed to fostering a work environment where all employees are treated with respect and dignity. We uphold this zero-tolerance policy to ensure a safe and professional workplace for everyone.


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